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Marvel Realm has been released!

Hello! The time is here. Sonorous Arts presents Marvel Realm—a game suite full of new adventures and experiences. Our suite is ready for you to download here on its page.

How to play: Firstly, you need to register on our website. Then, download the suite, run it, and provide your username and password when prompted. Pricing: The suite and all of its future updates are provided for free. However, some of the games require a single Sonorous Arts subscription. This subscription covers all of our paid games and their future updates too. Why the need for a subscription over a one-time payment? A subscription-based payment allows us to provide dedicated customer support, and maintain high-quality servers and development resources. By subscribing, you are supporting ongoing development and improvements, ensuring that Marvel Realm and our future products remain dynamic and enjoyable. What are the supported payment methods? Although at the time of this writing we are unable to provide any payment methods other than cryptocurrency due to various limitations and restrictions, we do have plans to gradually implement easier methods of payment in the future as resources become available to our team.

Please read this article on how to pay with Cryptocurrency

We are here to answer any queries you may have. Please download the suite, read the concise documentation provided, and ask us any questions that come to mind using our contact page.