Public profile for lilou
You made and served 1 coffee. Did you like it?
You reached level 3 and got your first bonus. Good job!
You just experienced your first unsatisfied customer. In doing so, you learned 2 life lissons. 1. You can't keep everyone satisfied, and 2, You have to do better!
You just worked here under 5 minutes. What was that all about! Got bored that fast?
You served more than 10 customers without any of them leaving empty handed. You are really good at this!
You served more than 15 customers without any of them leaving. You are a natural! You rock! Wow
You started playing Spelunker probe. Happy spelunking!
You took great first pictures of the gemstones. The researchers thank you.
You took a lot of pics and the database is coming along nicely. The researchers thank you from their bottom of their heart.
You took a lot of pictures and helped the Alien Cavern research immensely. The researchers are Beside themselves with happiness. They promised to buy you a lot of beer when you come back.
Your pictures are so accurate that the researchers cannot take their eyes of them. Wonderful!
You took such accurate and good pictures of rocks. The researchers are putting the photos on every wall, social network and background screen they can find!
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