Public profile for Trey Smith
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You managed to reach level 2. It is only the start
You killed 5 enemies. Oh, yay. This is my happy face
You killed 10 enemies. This is my very excited face
You killed 15 enemies! I'm so proud of you, murderer
You got 1000 points. Not bad, but you can definitely do better
You killed 25 enemies! So goddamned wonderful
You began to play the Chaotic Highway and managed to start your car, and maybe dodge a few cars. Good work!
You got your first Speedify. That was scary and exciting at the same time right?
You just experienced the thrill of being a ghost rider!
You reached level 5. It's going to be harder from now on
You killed 50 enemies! I hate to write these achievements! Come on, someone, continue! Damn it, I'm going to cry in my pillow. Will be back
You got 3000 points. You're getting the hang of this
You got 5000 points. Good! Now you're getting quite good at this
You started playing Spelunker probe. Happy spelunking!
Nothing yet, unfortunatly.
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